Genuss & Harmonie

Corporate lawyer (*) - Legal hero

Gastronomy, Others
Active since: 18.09.2024
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Your secret weapons…

  • Your superpower: A degree in law (1st and 2nd state exams) and several years of experience as a corporate lawyer with in-depth knowledge of compliance, contract and employment law
  • Heroic demeanor: You think entrepreneurially, are solution-oriented and pragmatic, have a confident demeanor and impressive communication and decision-making skills – flexibility and negotiation skills are part of your hero arsenal
  • Your equipment: Very good written and spoken German, confident MS Office user skills and a keen commercial and service-oriented understanding to master any challenge

Your mission…

  • Contract master: Independent creation, processing and review of all contracts (customer, supplier contracts, etc.) as well as participation in the further development of contract management in order to standardize and optimize processes
  • Advice & negotiation: You are the legal ally for our specialist departments – advising on legal issues, supporting day-to-day business and participating in contract negotiations with strategic precision
  • Risk protection: As our risk detective, you analyze and assess legal risks to protect our company and navigate us safely through all legal challenges

Our hero boosters for you…

  • 30 days off from being a superhero
  • Do you care about your free time? You’ll have time for yourself and your family on your evenings and weekends off
  • A permanent employment contract with a renowned employer with around 1,700 employees
  • Flat hierarchies and a motivated team

Start your mission now..

Send your resume You are welcome to ask me, Tuba, any initial questions, I can be reached at
i can be reached at 015122430603 . We look forward to hearing from you!

Additional job locations
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No specification
Contract tye
No specification
No specification
Tuba Polat
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 2243 0603
Employer Info
Genuss & Harmonie
Harrlachweg 3
D-68163 Mannheim

Zum Arbeitgeber-Profil
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